Tuesday, September 30, 2008

hello everyone... GOING INSANE... but other than that, everything's good...

hello... today is Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year, and I've been in services all day. Then I fell asleep around 2:30, and woke up around 6:00... i have gotten, like, 5-6 hours of sleep for the past 3 days/nights. TIRED... yeahh...
-going insane because I haven't seen Noah for more than 24 hours...
-have a ton of science HW even though I DID NOT GO TO SCHOOL TODAY...
-am rather sleep-deprived...
-and need to get rest of HW done even though it is 9:42...
love ya noah...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Well, if anyone knows...

If anyone knows any tridecalogisms (not a real word, but it's in one of my books anyway...), meaning "thirteen-letter word", tell me plz... and also, "tridecalogism" has 13 letters in it too. There's also antimicrobial, congressional, environmental, impossibility, scintillating, and invincibility. (I have a list of 35 of them.)
Soo yeahh. If anyone knowssss... (voice fades off into the distance...)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

First post. And yeahh.

Well, first post on a new blog. Nwe blog about my life. Pointless bits and pieces, yeahh yeahh...