Monday, October 27, 2008

Camping trip, social studies, science, stomachache... and chips.

8th grade camping trip: EXHAUSTING. Hiking miles through the woods AND RAIN to and from the campsite. IN THE RAIN!!!!
Social Studies: 4 assignments. Half of them I do not understand.
Science: EVIL TEACHER. EVIL SYSTEM. EVIL TEST. There was a question on it that I did not understand, and apparently there were a few others who didn't either. And she tried to make us feel completely stupid about it.
Stomachache: STUPID!!!! They keep coming back and THEY HURT!!! I had to actually quit cross-country practice because of it!!!
Chips: Jeff seems to be addicted to chips. He ate, like, six individual bags. When we ran out of chips on the bus ride home after the camping trip, he seemed to be going through... "chip withdrawal", if you will.
Okay... nothing more to post about... except for the fact that Tyler practically fell down a cliff when we were hiking. Well, it was muddy and he kind of slid down it like a slide.
love u noah (and do you think you could come over on thursday or friday? Whichever works for you.)


Shloonktapooxis said...


Lora said...

Yes. Chips. I was eating chips when I posted this. Ironic.
And when I finished posting, I had no doubt that if u were here there wouldn't be any left.
Am I right?

beautifuldisaster said...

omg! that was the worst
except the bus ride home (jeff) and SMORES ahh
ahahaha tyler got poision ivy =D

Lora said...

And he fell down a cliff. And got stuck in quicksand. Which is worse?